Announcing what should be one of our most fun projects for the season – The Drive.
Two fly fishermen.
A 1983 CJ7 with a top road speed of 45 mph, no working gas gauge and a soft top coming apart the the seams.
Almost 2100 miles of open road from Montana to Texas.
Two weeks to do it.
The 11 Commandments for The Drive:
- Thou shall fish every day.
- Thou shall strive to fish every fishable water en route.
- Thou shall treasure smaller waters.
- Thou shall treasure native fish.
- Thou shall drive no more than 15o miles per day.
- Thou shall recordĀ only HD video.
- Thou shall drive only on back roads.
- Thou shall not push the Jeep beyond 45 miles per hour.
- Thou shall seek out local expertise, fly shops and good fellowship.
- Thou shall not discharge thy firearms unless absolutely necessary.
- Thou shall survive without a radio in the jeep.
More blathering about the project here on Chi Wulff.